This article is a republish of a blog post that I wrote for the Centrify Community Techblog.
The goal of this article is to set up the building-blocks to test Centrify Server Suite and Privilege Service in an AWS environment. This article is the foundation for several how to guides in development.
Audience: Technical leads looking to test capabilities in a lab environment.
Knowledge level: You must be familiar with AWS, Linux , Windows, TCP/IP, Domain Name System and with basic Centrify product capabilities
- Standard Edition Level - allows you to complete labs related to Centrify DirectControl
- Privilege Service Level - allows you to complete labs related to Privilege Service
Basic AWS Setup
The basic steps to set up an AWS Playground lab are:
- Create an IAM User (optional)
Once you have this set-up, we can talk about some planning scenarios.
Planning to modify your Security Rules
- In this playground, here's the connectivity you'll need:
- RDP from your client to your Windows systems
- SSH from your client to your Linux instances
- You need your instances to talk to each other via AD ports and others (to simplify things, you can allow any traffic between your EC2 instances).
Create an S3 Bucket
Official instructions here: tingaBucket.html
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
- Click Create Bucket.
- In the Create Bucket dialog box, in the Bucket Name box, type a name for your bucket (nmust be unique)
- In the Region box, click the region where you want the bucket to reside.
- Optional - Enable logging.
- Click Create.
Sanity Check # 1At this point, you should have:
- At this point you should have several credentials:
- An amazon account (your root account) that has all the rights to your AWS account - this account is your email account.
- If you created an IAM user, you should have that credential too.
- An AWS key-pair that allows you to SSH into Linux instances using the ec2-user or decrypt Windows Administrator passwords.
- You have created a virtual private cloud (VPC)
- You have configured a security group that allows you to access the AWS EC2 instances/services and communications between them. You'll be using this security group for all newly-created EC2 instances.
- You have an S3 bucket that you can use later to host files.
Active Directory in AWS
Active Directory in AWS (or other clouds) can be deployed in different ways. This all boils down to the connectivity between corporate and AWS. If there's a dedicated VPN, provided that DNS and Security rules are well-designed, you an either extend or duplicate your AD infrastructure in AWS.
For more information: e-directory-ds/architecture.html
This article is not concerned with that. If you are doing a lab, most likely you'll be using the scenario where AD is run in AWS (hosted by you in EC2 instances) or hosted by AWS (SimpleAD or AWS Directory Service).
1. Setting-up Active Directory in AWS
Hosting your own Active Directory Domain Controller in an AWS EC2 Instance
There are many resources like the official recipe from Amazon here: e-directory-ds/step1.html, however for a small lab, I recommend that you have the following:
- One VPC
- One EC2 Instance running your domain controller and DNS (you could also leverage Route53)
- One EC2 Instance running your member server (e.g. APP1 or MEMBER)
For setup, you can can reuse the instructions from the Microsoft Test Lab Guides to onboard a DC1 and APP1 servers.
2. Configuring Microsoft DNS with a Forwarder
If you are managing your own DC running Microsoft DNS, as a measure, you may want to add the Amazon-provided DNS servers as forwarders. This will ensure public name resolution to AD clients.
On your DC, in an administrative powershell, run this command:
Set-DnsServerForwarder -IPAddress "w.x.y.z" -PassThru
Where w.x.y.z is your Amazon-provided DNS server IP address.
![forwarder.png forwarder.png](
Using an Amazon-hosted option
Active Directory: /admin-guide/create_directory.html
Note that whether you set up your own, or are using a hosted option, you should have the domain name, IP address(es) for the domain controller(s) and an admin credential. The addresses are needed for the next step, and the credential is needed to manage AD with tools like AD Users and Groups.
3. Modify DHCP Option Sets to align with your new DNS
Without properly functioning DNS, there is no Active Directory functionality. DHCP option sets in AWS make your life very easy and you don't need to add Route53 (AWS's DNS Service) complexity.
- Open the Amazon VPC console at
- In the navigation pane, choose DHCP Options Sets.
- Select Create DHCP Options Sets.
- Add the options for your domain name and DNS Servers (your DC and the Amazon-provided DNS). In the name tag, provide a descriptive name, domain name servers, type the IP address of the DC(s) and an Amazon-provided DNS, and the AD domain name in the domain name.
- Press Yes, Create
- In the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs.
- Select the VPC(s) for your lab, and select Edit DHCP Options Set from the Actions list.
- In the DHCP Options Set list, select the set you created from the list, and then choose Save
Sanity Check # 2At this point, you should have:
- A running your domain controller managed by you or hosted Active Directory and you should be able to connect to it as an administrative user.
- Your domain controller should be running Microsoft DNS hosting the AD records. Write down the IP address and domain name.
- DNS resolution in your subnets, when you launch an EC2 instance and you ping your DC by name, it should be resolvable as well as public FQDNs.
Centrify Standard Edition Lab Setup - Member Server
The member server will be running the Active Directory and Centrify tools. In addition, we can use the server as a Centrify Connector and DirectAudit Infrastructure. This post will focus on AD and Centrify tools:
- DirectManage Access Manager - GUI tool manipulate Centrify data in AD
- DirectManage PowerShell - Use PowerShell commandlets to manage Centrify data in AD
- GPMC Extensions - configure and enforce Group Policies in UNIX, Linux and Mac systems
- Centrify PuTTY - Leverage Kerberos with PuTTY
- Licensing Service - A required component for Centrify Standard Edition 2017 and above
- Report Services - Generate and customize attestation reports
Add Windows Features
- Launch a Windows Server (2012R2 or 2016) and log in as the local administrator.
- Make sure the system can ping the domain controller by name.
- Run PowerShell as Administrator and join the domain
Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential
Provide the credentials and reboot. - Sign-in to your member server as your domain administrator account, re-launch PowerShell as administrator and add the Group Policy Management, DNS and Active Directory management tools.
Add-WindowsFeature GPMC, RSAT-DNS-Server, RSAT-ADDS
Install Centrify Standard Edition Tools
- Download Centrify Standard Edition 2017 (or Enterprise to use later) - Unzip the file, navigate to the DirectManage folder and run Setup. These are the components you're adding
- Follow the prompts. You may have to follow the instructions to set up Report Services. For more information go here: ...
Initialize Centrify Standard Edition
- Double-click the Access Manager icon, this will start the setup wizard
- Welcome page - press next
- User Credentials - press next (unless you're not using a privileged user)
- Deployment Structure - Check the box > generate default deployment structure
- Choose container - Browse - Select your domain and press OK.
- License Container - should be set to [your domain]/Centrify/Licenses and press Next
You'll be informed that the container will be set as read only for all users. Press Yes. - Install License Keys - Type your centrify license key and press add, then press next
- Default Zone Container - Should be set to [your domain]/Centrify/Zones, press next
- Delegate Permission - Uncheck the box (we aren't placing systems in the default computers container)
- Notification Handler - Should be unchcecked, press next
- Summary - press next
- Competing Page - press Finish. Access Manager will open. Close it.
Initializing Access Manager, has deployed the Centrify recommended OU structure. This is where the objects will reside for Centrify-related data.
![oustruc.png oustruc.png](
For more information about this OU structure, check out @Fabrice's article here: ctice-Active-Directory-OU-structure/ba-p/21470
At this point you should have the base configuration to perform the Standard Edition labs.
Sanity Check # 3
At this point, you should:
- Have a domain-joined Windows Server and you should be able to log in with domain users.
- The system should have the GPMC and RSAT ADDS tools
- The system should have Centrify DirectManage Access Manager, PowerShell, PuTTY and Centrify Report Services
- In Active Directory, you have laid-out the Centrify-recommended OU structure.
Set-up a Cast of Characters and Implement a basic Access and Privilege Model
Users, Groups and Roles
- ad-admin - your AD Domain Administrator
- cps-admin (privilege service) - is your
- Lisa - Linux Administrator (will be a member of AWS Windows Administrator)
- Maggie - Windows Administrator (will be an AWS Linux Administrators)
- Bart - Security Officer (will be an AWS Security Analyst)
- Homer - An auditor (will be a Mixed Auditor)
- ad-joiner - Service account for automated joins
- centrify.reports - Service account for Report Services
- Unix-Users - Catch-all group for all UNIX users (unix-users); maggie, bart and homer are members.
Sample User Creation Script
Write-Host "Creating Users..." -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor white
$ou = New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name AWSDemo -Path "dc=example,dc=com" -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false
$oupath = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "AWSDemo"').DistinguishedName
$passwd = (ConvertTo-SecureString "AWSPlayGround2017!@" -AsPlainText -force)
New-ADUser -Name "Lisa" -SamAccountName lisa -AccountPassword $passwd -Description "Linux Administrator" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -Path $oupath -Enabled $true
New-ADUser -Name "Bart" -SamAccountName bart -AccountPassword $passwd -Description "Security Officer" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -Path $oupath -Enabled $true
New-ADUser -Name "Maggie" -SamAccountName maggie -AccountPassword $passwd -Description "Windows Administrator" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -Path $oupath -Enabled $true
New-ADUser -Name "Homer" -SamAccountName homer -AccountPassword $passwd -Description "Auditor (Cross-platform)" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -Path $oupath -Enabled $true
New-ADGroup -Name "unix-users" -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path $oupath
Get-ADGroup unix-users | Add-ADGroupMember -Members Lisa, Bart, Maggie, Homer
Write-Host "User creation completed." -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor white
This script creates our cast of AD users and a group inside the AWSDemo OU. Make sure you change the text in red to fit your environment.
Create and Configure a Centrify Zone
Our zone name will be AWS, and it will have a very simple set up. All users will be UNIX-enabled and there will be three roles: A UNIX Sysadmin role, a Windows Sysadmin role and a regular UNIX user role.
Zone Creation and User UNIX-enablement
$zone = New-CdmZone -Name AWS -Container "CN=Zones,OU=UNIX,DC=centrify,DC=vms"
Write-Host "Unix-Enabling Users..." -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor white
New-CdmUserProfile -Zone $zone –User -login lisa -UseAutoUid -AutoPrivateGroup –HomeDir "%{home}/%{user}" –Gecos "%{u:displayName}" –Shell "%{shell}"
New-CdmUserProfile -Zone $zone –User -login bart -UseAutoUid -AutoPrivateGroup –HomeDir "%{home}/%{user}" –Gecos "%{u:displayName}" –Shell "%{shell}"
New-CdmUserProfile -Zone $zone –User -login maggie -UseAutoUid -AutoPrivateGroup –HomeDir "%{home}/%{user}" –Gecos "%{u:displayName}" –Shell "%{shell}"
New-CdmUserProfile -Zone $zone –User -login homer -UseAutoUid -AutoPrivateGroup –HomeDir "%{home}/%{user}" –Gecos "%{u:displayName}" –Shell "%{shell}"
Write-Host "Unix-enabling complete." -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor white
This script creates the AWS zone and enables our users
UNIX and Windows Admin Roles + Assignments
$cmd1 = New-CdmCommandRight -Zone $zone -Name "Run any command as root" -Pattern "*" -MatchPath "*" -Authentication user
$cmd2 = Get-CdmPamRight -Zone $zone -Name "login-all"
$role1 = New-CdmRole -Zone $zone -Name "UNIX Sysadmin" -UnixSysRights login, ssologin, nondzsh, visible -HasRescueRight $true -AuditLevel possible
Add-CdmCommandRight -Right $cmd1 -Role $role1
Add-CdmPamRight -Right $cmd2 -Role $role1
New-CdmRoleAssignment -Zone $zone -Role $role1 -TrusteeType ADUser -ADTrustee (Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "lisa"')
$desktop1 = New-CdmDesktopRight -Zone $zone -Name "Admin Desktop" -RunasSelfGroups "Builtin\Administrators" -RequirePassword $true
$role2 = New-CdmRole -Zone $zone -Name "Windows Admin" -WinSysRights console, remote -AuditLevel possible
Add-CdmDesktopRight -Role $role2 -Right $desktop1
New-CdmRoleAssignment -Zone $zone -Role $role2 -TrusteeType ADUser -ADTrustee (Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "maggie"')
New-CdmRoleAssignment -Zone $zone -Role (Get-CdmRole -Zone $zone -Name "UNIX Login") TrusteeType ADGroup -ADTrustee (Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -like "unix-users"')
This script creates the roles and assigns them to the proper users/groups
Install Centrify DirectControl and run adcheck
- Launch a new EC2 Linux instance (e.g. Amazon Linux)
- Log in as ec2-user
- Run sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centrify.repo and populate it with:
[centrify] name=centrify baseurl= enabled=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=
make sure you substitute the user/password with your own (this is in the repo page of the Download Center)-GPG-KEY-centrify - Install CentrifyDC
sudo yum install CentrifyDC
answer any prompts that come up. - Run adcheck and correct any errors
$ adcheck OSCHK : Verify that this is a supported OS : Pass PATCH : Linux patch check : Pass PERL : Verify perl is present and is a good version : Pass SAMBA : Inspecting Samba installation : Pass SPACECHK : Check if there is enough disk space in /var /usr /tmp : Pass HOSTNAME : Verify hostname setting : Warning : Computer name should not be localhost or : localhost.localdomain. You may edit /etc/hosts or your : DNS server to set your hostname correctly or you must : use the --name option when running adjoin. NSHOSTS : Check hosts line in /etc/nsswitch.conf : Pass DNSPROBE : Probe DNS server : Pass DNSPROBE : Probe DNS server : Warning : This DNS server does not respond to requests. This is a serious problem DNSCHECK : Analyze basic health of DNS servers : Warning : One or more DNS servers are dead or marginal. : Check the following IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf. : : The following table lists the state of all configured : DNS servers. : ( OK : (unknown): dead : Only one good DNS server was found : You might be able to continue but it is likely that you : will have problems. : Add more good DNS servers into /etc/resolv.conf. WHATSSH : Is this an SSH that DirectControl works well with : Pass SSH : SSHD version and configuration : Pass DOMNAME : Check that the domain name is reasonable : Pass ADDC : Find domain controllers in DNS : Pass ADDNS : DNS lookup of DC : Pass ADPORT : Port scan of DC : Pass ADDC : Check Domain Controllers : Pass ADDNS : DNS lookup of DC : Pass GCPORT : Port scan of GC : Pass ADGC : Check Global Catalog servers : Pass DCUP : Check for operational DCs in : Pass SITEUP : Check DCs for in our site : Pass DNSSYM : Check DNS server symmetry : Pass ADSITE : Check that this machine's subnet is in a site known by AD : Pass GSITE : See if we think this is the correct site : Pass TIME : Check clock synchronization : Pass ADSYNC : Check domains all synchronized : Pass 3 warnings were encountered during check. We recommend checking these before proceeding
Make sure you correct any major errors outlined by adcheck. The key here will be name resolution and connectivity with your domain controllers; if you laid-out your security rules correctly and have DNS set to resolve AD records, you should be fine.
Modify default AWS EC2 SSH Server Settings
By default, OpenSSH in AWS EC2 is not configured to allow password authentication. Although with Centrify the underlying authentication uses Kerberos to talk to DCs, ultimately the user must be allowed to type their password in an SSH session.
- Sign-in to your EC2 instance with the ec2-user
- Modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and set these directives (e.g. usin vi - sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
PasswordAuthentication yes
# PasswordAuthentication no - Save the file.
- Restart the SSH server
sudo service sshd restart
Join your EC2 Linux instance to Active Directory Manually
$ sudo adjoin -z AWS -c "ou=servers,ou=centrify" -n demo3 -u admin
Using domain controller: writable=true
Join to, zone:AWS successful
Centrify DirectControl started.
Initializing cache
You have successfully joined the Active Directory domain:
in the Centrify DirectControl zone: CN=AWS,CN=Zones,OU=Centrify,DC=awsrealm,DC=centrif ying,DC=net
You may need to restart other services that rely upon PAM and NSS or simply
reboot the computer for proper operation. Failure to do so may result in
login problems for AD users.
Verify your UNIX Access and Privilege model
- Connect to your Linux system using SSH (e.g. PuTTY or ssh), log in as one of your AD users (e.g. lisa)
login as: lisa Server refused our key lisa@'s password: Created home directory __| __|_ ) _| ( / Amazon Linux AMI ___|\___|___|
lease-notes/ 2 package(s) needed for security, out of 2 available Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates. - Verify lisa's role using Centrify-enhance sudo
$ dzinfo --role User: lisa Forced into restricted environment: No Centrify MFA Service authentication: Supported Role Name Avail Restricted Env --------------- ----- -------------- UNIX Yes None Sysadmin/AWS
Now you can logout Lisa. - Reconnect again, and try to log in with Homer, then verify his role
login as: homer Created home directory $ dzinfo --roles User: homer Forced into restricted environment: No Centrify MFA Service authentication: Supported Role Name Avail Restricted Env --------------- ----- -------------- UNIX Login/AWS Yes None
Note the different role for Homer. - Close the session. You have now verified your Linux access model.
Join your EC2 Windows member to the Centrify Zone
Grant your test users remote desktop access
- In your member server, right-click the start menu and select Run
- Type compmgmt.msc and press enter
- Navigate to Local Users and Groups > Groups and double-click Remote Desktop Users
- Press Add. Now add the test users (or a group) you want to have RDP access. E.g. (maggie)
- Press OK.
Install the Centrify Agent for Windows
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder with the Centrify Server Suite bits.
- Browse to the > Agent and run Centrify Agent for Windows64.exe (press Yes to the UAC prompt)
- Welcome Page > Press Next
- EULA Page > check the box and press Next
- Custom Setup Page > Select only the Access Components
(This is unless you are planning or have added DirectAudit) - Components Page > Next
- Confirmation Page > Install
- Completed Page > Make sure the "Run Agent Configuration Wizard" is checked, press Finish
- Now you'll configure the Agent to join your zone.
- Configuration Page > Press Next
- (Optional) Associate DirectAudit Installation > Select your Installation
- Join to a Zone > Select the zone you created earlier (AWS) and Press Next
Note, you may be asked to add the Domain Administrators to the Login role. You must do this, otherwise the only user that will be able to sign-in will be maggie (in this example). - Configuration completed, Press Finish.
- If asked to restart, press Yes when you are ready.
Verify your Windows Access and Privilege model
- Sign-in to your Windows system as a member of the Domain Admins group
- Right click start and run mstsc -v member -w:800 -h:600 (this launches an RDP session)
- Attempt to log in with maggie (she should be able to log in)
- Open the Windows systray and right-click the Centrify icon > Authorization Center and click on the Effective roles tab
- Note Maggie's current roles in the AWS zone. Logoff.
- Repeat step 2, and now try to log in with Bart. The result should be:
This is because Bart has not been assigned a role that allows for Windows access. - Press OK and close. At this point, you have tested the access model on Windows.
Sanity Check # 4
At this point you should have
- Centrify tools installed in your member server (e.g. DirectManage)
- You have a domain-joined Amazon linux instance
- In the Centrify zone, you have a linux instance and your Windows member server
- You have tested your access and privilege model in both Linux and Windows platforms.
MILESTONE: Now you have a system that you can use for sanity checks and to generate some of the tools required for the Standard Edition AWS labs. This is the state of your lab:
Privilege Service Lab Setup - Centrify Tenant and Connector
Obtain a Privilege Service Tenant
- Get Centrify Privilege Service your tenant is approved, you'll receive an email with your URL, credential and one-time link. When you click on it, you will be logged-in. Make sure you change your password. - Once your tenant is set up, open its URL from the browser in your EC2 Windows instance (member server)
Note that you may have to relax the IE ESC settings on Windows or download an alternative browser like Chrome or Firefox. E.g. - Navigate to Settings > Network and click "Add Centrify Connector"; this will download the Connector bits.
- Double-click the Connector zip file, and run the included setup file, this will start the wizard
- Welcome Page - press next
- EULA Page - check the box and press next
- Custom Setup - only install the Centrify Connector
- Ready to install - press next. When complete, press Finish. This will launch the configuration Wizard. - In the Configuration Wizard:
- Welcome Page - press next
- Centrify Connector Configuration - provide your admin account name and password
- Connector Configuration - Optional: check the box in the domain (you may not be able to if you're using a managed AD.
- Connection test - should be successful if your instance is allowed to go out to the Internet, press Next
- Configuring connector - Next and then Finish. - Once completed, the Settings > Network > Centrify Connectors should display your aws connector:
Configure Resource Subnet Mapping
This step is very important, especially if you're using the Privilege Service tenant in other environments like local VMs.
This step is very important, especially if you're using the Privilege Service tenant in other environments like local VMs.
- Log in to privilege manager (
- Go to Settings click on Resource Subnet Mapping and Press Add
- Type the CDIR for your AWS Subnet (repeat if you have many - e.g.
- Select "Choose" and check the box next to your AWS Windows Server running the Centrify Connector.
- Press Save.
Sanity Check # 5At this point, you should:
- Have a Privilege Service tenant and you should know its URL, an admin user and password.
- Have a privilege service should ready to authenticate your AD users (see below) and to provide password and session services for your AWS subnet.
MILESTONE: You should be ready to perform the AWS Privilege Service Labs, and this should be the state of your lab.
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