When we plan for Applications (Web or Mobile), we need to think about different strategies. These types of questions arise:
How will the application be published? Centrify provides the user portal, however, depending on your environment, you may have an intranet or content management platform that is used as a hub for applications.
What is the policy to access these applications? Apps can have different assurance requirements. Maybe certain portions of the HR app are for intranet-only access with step-up (or two-factor) authentication. Maybe your Netsuite-based ERP should only be available from inside of the United States.
Who should be entitled to access each app? Your security team may want to grant access based role or job function. Centrify User Suite uses AD or Cloud Directory principals for app visibility.
What are the authentication capabilities of the app? Modern (especially cloud-based apps) provide federation technologies (like SAML, etc) but legacy apps don't have those capabilities or aren't available in the current version. Also (and unfortunately) not all apps may be looking at the corporate directory (e.g. AD) as the identity repository (which can enable Kerberos or NTLM). CUS offers the flexibility of password-vaulting and replaying.
How is the application provisioning model? This topic impacts the bottom-line of the business because the timely deprovisioning of cloud apps can impact the billing depending on how the application provider is metering the usage of the application. In addition, some apps need to have entitlements provisioned as well for the purposes of role-based access.
What is the strategy for on-premise apps? Are these apps accessible via an existing VPN infrastructure (e.g. CheckPoint, Cisco, Microsoft's DirectAccess or others) or will you make use of the Centrify App Gateway (VPN-less access)?
These are high-level categories, there are advanced topics like timeouts, attribute-mapping, provisioning of certificates for federation trust, etc; but we will cover each scenario individually.
We will start by publishing these Web applications:
In a previous post, we discussed the requirements for the Web and Mobile SSO use case, and although our labs are aimed to help with testing or proofs of concepts, we typically address the planning. Many of the topics in the requirements are huge (like o365 or GoogleApps migration), but we'll do the best we can to outline some of the key parts of planning.
Project Management and Methodology - the PMO would like to use the same methodology (DEV-QA to PROD) for this project.
What this means is that you need to have multiple cloud tenants a test and a production tenant. Ideally, you will have a test environment that mimics your existing infrastructure. My advice is that you use a rolling wave when it comes to IdaaS as well. Scenarios like switching how people access your CRM (e.g. Salesforce) or ERP (e.g. Netsuite) can affect the bottom-line. I won't be implementing this, but keep it in mind when implementing any cloud service.
Marketing - Branding and imaging should be maintained.
Organizations pay a lot of money to establish a brand identity; your Cloud-based solutions should allow you to maintain that branding. Centrify offers the ability to implement logos for the self-service portal, email invitations, mobile enrollment, etc. In addition, the main corporate color can be implemented as well. This means that ahead of time you need to collect:
The Pantone color code for your organization (main color) for the portal ribbon
The corporate logo in several sizes:
137x35 to be used as the login image
160x36 to be used as the portal image
Business Requirement - The IT organization wants to shift capital expense (capex) to operational costs (opex)
From an accounting perspective, organizations prefer to shift costs to the capital expense category due to tax benefits; in addition, clouds allow for commoditization of IT infrastructure services that in the traditional way would require space, power, cooling and personnel to support those solutions. The biggest example is email; HOWEVER, this has to be reconciled with security requirements.
Access to these applications has to be granted to Active Directory users, but there are instances in which partners need access as well (who won't have AD accounts).
A lot is stated in this paragraph. In the context of Centrify User Suite this means:
Deployment of Cloud Connectors (CC): CCs are Windows computers that use the service bus to talk to the Centrify Cloud Service and internally to Active Directory. They provide many capabilities, but the main one is the avoidance of explicit replication of data to the cloud. When planning for Cloud Connectors
Keep in mind the requirements: As you add more users, keep in mind that the cloud connector's cache will grow. At the time of this writing Cloud Connectors require a 64bit system with a multicore processor and 8GB of RAM with 4GB dedicated for the cache.
Availability requirements: You need at least two cloud connectors for basic load-balancing and fail-over. If you are in a multi-national organization, placement of the cloud connectors should be based on the data-center location in the cloud.
Internal placement: Like any AD services, the closer you are to a global catalog domain controller the better.
If using the Microsoft CA, make sure that you place the cloud connector near an issuing CA.
Connectivity: Although cloud connectors only perform OUTBOUND connections, there are certain domains that need to be reachable. A list is here.
Active Directory permissions: Although no changes will be made to AD (in terms of schema extensions or services) the computer running the cloud connector will be able to access AD. Permissions are required for this operation. The instructions are here.
Allowing MDM capabilities from Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) and Group Policy Management: You must plan which administrators will provide helpdesk-assisted MDM capabilities using ADUC or which AD admins will be allowed to edit Mobile-related GPOs.
Use of the Centrify Cloud Directory: In those instances in which third parties (contractors, partners) need access to internal apps, but can't have an AD accounts, this will be the preferred method.
These users may access using rich clients (browser) or mobile devices (iOS/Android browser and mobile apps); connections can be centralized via a portal, directly initiated or via intranet shortcuts. In the case of Office365, users will continue to use their full clients (Outlook, Lync, etc) on their Windows and Mac workstations.
This paragraph also contains major implications.
Mobile Access: This means that corporate information may be accessed from devices that aren't under the control of IT. Fortunately User Suite provides Mobile Device, Container and Application management for iOS and Android.
iOS: Managing iOS devices means that an APNS certificate needs to be configured in the cloud service. In addition, if apps are purchased by corporate or devices are running in kiosk mode
Portals, Direct Connections and Shortcuts: Centrify provides the cloud portal for self-service of apps, mobile and AD/cloud directory; however it's possible that users may access apps directly, in that case, users will be redirected to be authenticated by Centrify if they don't have an active valid session. Shortcuts can be deployed in the intranet as well.
The topic of Office 365 migration is huge, however, from a rich client perspective, this means that the lowest version of office has to be Office 2010 with the latest and greatest service packs.
Availability - As a global company, close to 100% uptime, geographical layout and redundancy are a most.
As of this writing, Centrify relies on a robust infrastructure (Microsoft Azure) to provide high performance, high availability and redundancy. Stats on the availability of the service can be viewed at http://www.centrify.com/cloud/service-status.asp
Disjointed Namespace - The solution should accommodate for a different domain (for AD) than the business name (Internet DNS name). It uses corp.contoso.com internally, vs. centrifying.net outside.
This is very common; typically the Active Directory suffix of the UPN (user principal name) is different than the DNS suffix commonly used to do business (typically the suffix of the email address); this means that a company may do business as na.ad.company.com; but users of that region use @na.company.com as the common suffix. Centrify User Suite provides settings to accommodate this scenario.
In a previous post, I discussed the capabilities of the Centrify Cloud Service. Unfortunately this post will become obsolete because Centrify adds capabilities and tweaks the service every month, but as of December 2014 (v 14.10), here are the high-level capabilities:
To register for a Centrify cloud tenant you'll need an email address. Follow these instructions:
Go to http://www.centrify.com/lp/trial/centrify-solutions.asp and request a trial. Alternatively, you can register for an Express account via www.centrify.com > Free Products > Centrify Express for SaaS > Request a Trial. After 30 days, the premium features will be disabled. Fill out the form:
You will receive an email from Centrify on the email address specified. Click on the validation link:
Upon validation you will be assigned a tenant ID. Press the button to log in to Cloud Manager You will also receive an email with your initial credentials.
When you attempt to log in to the cloud manager with your password, you'll be asked to provide an additional authentication method - since e-mail is the only option, you'll receive an email to your account, click on the link and you'll be signed in.
Upon login, you'll be welcome by the configuration wizard.
What happens when a tenant is created?
The Centrify Cloud service runs in Microsoft Azure platform; note that when the tenant was created, you had the chance to create your tenant in different places based on your region. In the background, these tasks are created:
Multiple copies of the service and basic data are created inside the cloud (for redundancy)
Sets of different encryption keys are created (for encryption services)
An internal dedicated Certificate Authority is created.
The initial login suffix is created based on the user's email address.
The tenant is branded with Centrify's logo and colors.
This is obviously a simplified list, but it's important that they are understood for future posts. This lab contains no videos.
We will start a series focusing on the Centrify User Service and to give it the right context, just like we did a year ago with Server Suite we are basing this in a set of business requirements.
Here's a summary of the requirements:
Web and Mobile SSO
Our organization currently uses Salesforce, Office365, Google Apps, Sharepoint (internally), has Apache/Java (internally) and they need SSO; some of these apps are SAML, WS-Fed, User/Password or may be using the Centrify on-premise app plugins.
Access to these applications has to be granted to Active Directory users, but there are instances in which partners need access as well (who won't have AD accounts). These users may access using rich clients (browser) or mobile devices (iOS/Android browser and mobile apps); connections can be centralized via a portal, directly initiated or via intranet shortcuts. In the case of Office365, users will continue to use their full clients (Outlook, Lync, etc) on their Windows and Mac workstations.
Security Requirements Confidentiality - no synchronization of personal identifiable information off premises; encryption in traffic and at rest is required. Access Control - the security department wants to have the flexibility to set policies that allow to control access based on time/day, network or geographical location (to limit apps to be intranet accessible only, not via the web);
Step-up Auth - One-time-passwords (two-factor) should be an option for sensitive use cases. Governance - Entitlement management and separation of duties should be enforced.
Availability Availability - As a global company, close to 100% uptime, geographical layout and redundancy are a most.
Infrastructure Requirements Business Requirement - The IT organization wants to shift capital expense (capex) to operational costs (opex); Self-Service - the solution should provide flexible self-service options to minimize calls to the help-desk. Office 365 - all features (rich or web clients) should be supported, ideally without added infrastructure complexity. Decrease VPN usage - ideally this solution should provide alternatives to VPNs for internal-only apps. Disjointed Namespace - The solution should accommodate for a different domain (for AD) than the business name (Internet DNS name). It uses corp.contoso.com internally, vs. centrifying.net outside.
Other Requirements Project Management and Methodology - the PMO would like to use the same methodology (DEV-QA to PROD) for this project. Marketing - Branding and imaging should be maintained.
The user/password plugin that leverages OS authentication (via PAM) to enable DB2 access to AD users.
The group plugin that exposes AD group memberships to DB2
The GSS (SSO) plugin that allows silent sign-on to DB2 and can be leveraged in AIX systems that are using LAM instead of PAM
The pre-requisites are the same as the previous post. Because for the SSO plugin to work we need an AD account to create a keytab, we've added some additional steps.
A little bit of planning
Obtaining the AD Principal
A keytab file is usually tied to an AD principal; all Centrified systems have one; but in this case, we will have a service account and there are two ways to do this:
If you have an AD account that can create user principals:
you can use the setupdb2.sh script, option 2 and follow the prompts
you can use the adkeytab command with the --new option and perform everything in a single step.
If you don't (which is quite common because of separation of duties), you need to request the account and then work in tandem with the AD folks to adopt the account.
Naming conventions
Because we're talking about AD accounts here, your organization may (hopefully) have a naming standard, if not, you have to keep in mind that you need to be able to identify the purpose of the AD account in AD. A naming convention like this:
is simple enough and descriptive. In this example, my instance is db2inst1 and the server is engcen8, therefore my AD account will be called db2inst-engcen8.
Container OU
If your AD admin is not messy, most likely they will have an OU designated for Service Accounts. In fact, if you worked with Centrify Professional Services, there should be an OU under UNIX with the same name.
Active Directory Account and Keytab
AD Account creation
When you request the account, the AD sysadmin will create an account like this:
Typically the best practices for service accounts are to set the password to never expire, and that the account can't change it.
Issue #1 - At this point, the password for this service account is known at least by one person. This will go away once the keytab is adopted, the password will be randomized.
Now there are two things that can happen - the AD admin can grant you temporary full control of the account until you run adkeytab, or can just type in their password in the adequate moment.
Verify the account
Use adquery user and the -A option and inspect the UPN and cn. Here's the truncated output:
$ adquery user -A db2inst1-engcen8 dn:CN=db2inst1-engcen8,CN=Service-Accounts,DC=centrifyimage,DC=vms samAccountName:db2inst1-engcen8 userPrincipalName:db2inst1-engcen8@centrifyimage.vms canonicalName:centrifyimage.vms/Service-Accounts/db2inst1-engcen8
Issue # 2 the account is missing a servicePrincipalName (SPN),
Issue # 3, the the userPrincipalName is in a non-MIT Kerberos friendly format.
This means that we need
To adopt the account, this will randomize the password and create a keytab file (options A or --adopt and K or --keytab); e.g. /home/db2inst1/db2inst1-engcen8.keytab (permissioned accordingly)
To update the UPN (option -U or --upn); e.g. engcen8@CENTRIFYIMAGE.VMS
To add an SPN (option -P or --principal) with the format instance/server@suffix@REALM; e.g. db2inst1/engcen8.centrifyimage.vms@CENTRIFYIMAGE.VMS
To specify an AD account that perform the adoption the keytab (-u --user). e.g. dwirth needs to be able to change account attributes like the UPN, SPN and password.
We need to know the canonicalName (cn) of the account. e.g. db2inst1-engcen8
Adopt the keytab and modify the account attributes
Based on the information gathered above, our adkeytab command looks like this (elevating with dzdo to write to the target folder):
At this point, all we need to do is rerun the setupdb2.sh script and follow the prompts to add the SSO plugin; because we don't want to deactivate the existing ones, we will run option 1 again and point to the previously created keytab.
Continuing will stop the DB2 instance: db2inst1, update the configuration
and then start the instance.
Continue? y
New configuration:
Group Plugin (GROUP_PLUGIN) = centrifydc_db2group
GSS Plugin for Local Authorization (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) = centrifydc_db2gsskrb5
Server List of GSS Plugins (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) = centrifydc_db2gsskrb5
Server Userid-Password Plugin (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) = centrifydc_db2userpass
Server Connection Authentication (SRVCON_AUTH) = GSS_SERVER_ENCRYPT
Database manager authentication (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER
Starting instance
# db2start
SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.
The plugins for DB2 instance: db2inst1 were set up successfully!
I recommend a reboot at this point.
Verify that everything is working as expected
Log in with an AD user to the DB2 server
Issue the klist command to verify that you have a TGT (ticket-granting ticket), if not issue the /usr/share/centrifydc/kerberos/bin/kinit command and type your AD password when prompted.
Organizations can always count with the
reliability of IBM hardware, operating systems and utilities for mission
critical applications. That’s why
Centrify has invested in certifying the product lines with IBM infrastructure.
This post discusses the DB2 SSO Module; this
plugin (like the Apache HTTP and Java plugins) leverages the Active Directory
integration capabilities and robustness of the Centrify agent to provide
additional value and functionality to DB2 implementations.
The DB2 plugin provides the following benefits:
No need
to keep users local to the UNIX/Linux system to support DB2: When used natively, DB2 users need to have
user accounts in the local /etc/passwd file.
The DB2 enables AD users to access DB2 so the benefits of Unified
Identity, Centralized Administration, Streamlined Authentication and Policy
Enforcement are organically attained. In practical terms: no more getting dinged by auditors when the
account of a long-gone user is found active in the /etc/passwd of a DB2 system.
login names: Support for logins that are longer than 8 characters
Sign-on (SSO): Centrify enables SSO to
DB2 leveraging the GSSAPI
Directory Group Support: AD
group memberships can be leveraged to grant entitlements inside DB2.
This is one of the best Database to AD integration models out
This article covers setup, configuration and
testing of the DB2 plugin on Linux 64 bit in a lab environment. Like any other DBMS, a true production
implementation requires planning and understanding of the current environment.
A Centrified Unix/Linux system running a DB2 Instance (we’ll be
using DB2 10.5 on Linux) Setup is pretty much the same if you have an IBM AIX system. The only caveat is that if you’re using LAM
instead of PAM, you’ll need to use the GSSAPI (SSO) plugin rather than the
user/password plugin.
You need to know the DB2 Instance user name and password
You need to have the ability to create an AD service account or
have an account prepared for you that can be adopted with AD Keytab (GSSAPI SSO
plugin only).
Implementation Steps
Information and requirements gathering
Collect the OS version, architecture, version of Centrify
adclient.uname -a, adinfo -v and adinfo -C provide that information
Collect the DB2 database version, architecturethe db2level command provides this information
Request an AD service account OR have
credentials to run adkeytab. $ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
$ uname -a Linux engcen8.centrifyimage.vms 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed
Oct 15 04:27:16 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ adinfo -v adinfo (CentrifyDC 5.2.0-218)
$ db2level DB21085I This instance or
install (instance name, where applicable: "db2inst1") uses "64" bits and DB2 code
release "SQL10050" with level identifier "0601010E". Informational tokens are "DB2 v10.5.0.0",
"s130528", "LINUXAMD64105", and Fix Pack "0". Product is installed at "/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5".
My server64 bit CentOS with DB2
10.5 64 bit, the instance name is db2inst1. I will download the package DirectControl for IBM DB2 running on RHEL 4, 5,
6 x86_64 " the version is 4.4.4 as of the original post in November
Unpack and install the DB2 SSO plugin
$ tar xzvf centrifydc-db2-4.4.4-rhel3-x86_64.tgz
The installation file on RHEL for this version is called
centrifydc-apache-4.4.4-rhel3-x86_64.rpm, so perform a yum or rpm install.
Installing and
Configuring the User/Password and Group Plugins
The user/password plugin allows for DB2 to use PAM to provide
access to AD users. The group plugin
allows the use of AD group memberships for the purposes of entitlements inside
The master script is called setupdb2.sh and it is on
/usr/share/centrifydc/bin. The syntax is
setupdb2.sh inst=<instancename> In
my case the instance is called db2inst1.